
With its central location just north of Dallas and the popularity of its state-of-the-art performance hall, the Charles W. Eisemann Center, Richardson continues to be a favorite with visitors. Enjoy the multitude of professional, musical, dance, comedy and theatrical events not to mention the great award-winning festivals held throughout the year. As a result, Richardson enjoys an array of cultural entertainment that is virtually unsurpassed. Richardson’s extensive park and trail system enables visitors to enjoy a natural setting as well as a diverse set of recreational activities. Visitors to Richardson enjoy an outstanding selection of hotels, great shopping within minutes in every direction, restaurants to please any palate, a friendly atmosphere and a variety of entertainment options.

For more information, contact Richardson Convention & Visitors Services, 411 West Arapaho Rd, Suite 105, Richardson, Texas 75080; (972) 744-4034 or (888) 690-7287.